Gyms and Fitness

Gyms, wellness and fitness centers are redefining security and efficiency with MicroIQ Prox for access control and peace of mind for its’ club members and business. With so many members entering and exiting the clubs, it presents a security risk. Secure lockers, front desk cabinets, drawers, cabinets, supply areas and data servers from breach or tampering. Choose your way in. Use nearly any credential from prox card, phone or tablet, key fob or keypad, providing innovative access control that is intelligent, easy to use and future proof. Install wirelessly in minutes by a simple drop-in replacement for all key operated locks: Spring bolt, Cam & Core insert. No more lost keys or expensive locksmiths. Our cloud-based platform, ProxTraq lets club managers remotely unlock, grant or revoke members instantly on hundreds of locks.

Keyless wireless gym locker locks

MicroIQProx locks are a quick install to existing lockers, enabling guests to secure their items with a phone app. Club managers have access control via the MicroTraq app.

Clubs rely on monetizing and protecting every square inch of space and need advanced security technology to replace antiquated locks that are easily manipulated.

intelligent, robust and easy to use for helping clubs detect and track access or unwanted access.

The simple one-handed action, rather than searching for a key and avoids higher costs of having to re-key when they are lost or offboarding members.

Prox Traq is our cloud-based mobile interface solution that monitors member usage, breach attempts and provides instant data analytics.

Powered by a concealed and secured low profile coin-cell battery that is conveniently accessed, MicroIQ Prox can operate up to 3 years before requiring replacement.

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