

Enterprise-wide access control from anywhere in the world.

ProxTraq is a cloud-based web portal and mobile app (iOS and Android) that provides a feature-rich access management solutions.

  • Setting up organizations and sites. 
  • Defining multiple levels of access and control.
  • Enrolling prox cards and assigning access to users.
  • Setting and managing lock access parameters.
  • Pooling locks into groups. 
  • Pooling members into teams.
  • Assigning phone access permissions.
  • Generating audit trails.

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ProxTraq Architecture Overview

The account administrator can set up as many organizations and sites as desired. Specific names are customized in the portal. Once an organization has been set up, members can be added. For each member added, a role is chosen for that individual. The role assignment will define the permissions that a member has within the site or organization. Members can also be grouped into teams and those teams can be used to grant groups of people access to locks or lock groups.

Access Control System Components


MicroIQ Products Overview

ProxTraq portal – Cloud based web portal that enables enterprise wide management of access control.

  • Levels – The portal provides three different levels: Account, Organizations, and Sites.
  • Roles – There are 7 different roles available to assign to members.
  • Teams – Members can be assigned to a team, allowing for team level privileges instead of by each individual member.
  • Groups – Locks can be grouped into ‘lock groups’ allowing assignment to members and teams.

MicroCover – Add door security to the ProxTraq portal with the MicroIQ MicroCover.

ProxTraq app – Permission levels vary based on role (defined when a member is added to the portal).

MicroIQProx locks – All MicroIQProx locks can be managed through the ProxTraq portal.

KnexIQ controllers – Simply add a KnexIQ reader/controller to electronic door strikes for ProxTraq portal management and control.

FridgeIQ – Add a FridgeIQ kit to any refrigerator to enable ProxTraq management and control.

Enroller (not pictured)– Remotely enroll hundreds of users quickly and efficiently. Links directly to the portal.

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